Looking ahead…Mark your calendars!
November 20: Thanksgiving Meal and Service, 6pm (No TeamKID) November 23: No Kids’ Choir December 11: Kids’ Choir Christmas program during morning service December 18: Oak Crest Kids’ Christmas Party TeamKID, Sundays @ 6pm Bible Story: God Took Care of Paul (Acts 27:13-44) Memory verse: Psalm 147:5 (ESV) Application: God is all-powerful. Kids' Choir, Wednesdays @ 7pm (Note that our Christmas performance will be December 11th during the a.m. service Hymn of the month: Soon and Very Soon Songs of focus: He is King Return Alleluia, Amen Happy Birthday, Jesus THE GOSPEL PROJECT FOR KIDS, Sundays @ 9:30am Unit 15: Jeremiah and Captivity Unit Description: God called Jeremiah and used him to tell the people about the coming of a new covenant in which sin can be forgiven once and for all. Judah continued in sin and was removed from the land, but even during the captivity, God used Ezekiel to foretell the coming of Jesus, in whom people can find new life. Key Passage: Ezekiel 11:19-20 Big Picture Question: Why should we obey God? We obey God because He loves us. Bible Story: Jeremiah Prophesied a New Covenant Bible Passage: Jeremiah 17:1-10; 31:31-34 Main Point: God promised a new and better covenant. Shortly after God had rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, He made a covenant with them at Mount Sinai. The terms of the covenant are found in Exodus 19. God said through Moses, “If you will listen to Me and carefully keep My covenant, you will be My own possession out of all the peoples, … and you will be My kingdom of priests and My holy nation” (vv. 56). God’s people responded, “We will do all that the L ORD has spoken.” But the people did not do all that the Lord had spoken. The people had God’s law, but they were not able to obey Him because of the sinfulness of their hearts. God punished His people for their unfaithfulness, eventually sending the Northern Kingdom into exile. But God was faithful; He preserved two tribes, keeping His promise to establish David’s house forever. The Israelites in Jeremiah’s day broke the covenant just like their ancestors before them. The prophet Jeremiah told about a new covenant. He prophesied about a coming day when God would forgive sin and write His law on the hearts of His people. This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus did not come to get rid of the law. (See Matt. 5:17.) Through His sinless life, Jesus fulfilled the demands of the old covenant. Jeremiah told about a day when God would forgive sin and change people’s hearts. Jesus made these words come true. God forgives our sin through His Son, Jesus. He changes us and gives us power through His Spirit to obey His commands. Help your kids understand that obedience only comes from a heart changed by God and it is always a response to God’s goodness and love for us. Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week. FAMILY STARTING POINTS ● Babies and Toddlers ○ God helps me love Him. ○ People do not always love and obey God. ○ God made a new promise to forgive His people. ○ God sent Jesus to forgive His people forever. ● Preschool ○ Why should we obey God? We obey God because He loves us. ○ God promised a better covenant. ● Kids ○ Why should we obey God? We obey God because He loves us. ○ God promised a new and better covenant. UNIT KEY PASSAGE ● Ezekiel 11:1920 (Preschool: Ezekiel 11:19) NEXT WEEK ● “Judah Was Taken into Captivity” (2 Chronicles 36:121) In Christ, Stephenie
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