August 17: Last TeamKID
August 19: OC Kids Back to School Bash
August 21: Promotion Sunday
September 7: Kids’ Choir Returns!
September 11: Kids’ fall program returns
Look for an e-mail regarding promotion Sunday and a Facebook invitation to our Back to School Bash!
Wednesdays @ 7pm in the ROCK!
TeamKID: Kids in Discipleship
It is a fun, recreation-based club for kids! TeamKID balances high-energy activities and games with high-impact Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, and life application. It will be for kids who have COMPLETED Kindergarten in the fall through kids who have COMPLETED 5th grade! It will coincide with Wednesday night service time and from 7pm-8pm.
We will not have a children’s program on Sunday evenings. Families are encouraged to worship together at that time. Child care will be provided for children ages 4 and under on both Sunday and Wednesday evenings, including a separate preschool class on Wednesday night! You can check out TeamKID at!
This week we pick up our journey through the big story of the Bible with God inviting King Solomon, David’s son, to ask Him for whatever he wanted. Solomon could have chosen riches, or power, but he did not. He asked God for wisdom so he could lead God’s people well. God was pleased with Solomon’s request and granted it and also blessed Solomon in other ways. Solomon was a wise king, but God planned to give His people a greater and wiser king—His Son, Jesus. Jesus completely trusted God with His life. Jesus surrendered His own life to die on the cross for our sin. Help your kids understand that true wisdom comes from God. Encourage them that reading the Bible and talking with God are ways they can understand God better and live with wisdom.
● Babies and Toddlers ○ God knows everything. ○ King Solomon asked God to make him wise. ○ God gave Solomon wisdom to lead God’s people. ○ When Jesus lived on earth, He was wiser than Solomon.
● Preschool ○ Where does wisdom come from? Wisdom comes from God. ○ Solomon asked God for wisdom.
● Kids ○ Where does wisdom come from? Wisdom comes from God through His Word. ○ God divided Israel into two kingdoms because Solomon sinned.
UNIT KEY PASSAGE ● Proverbs 2:67 (Preschool: Proverbs 2:6) NEXT WEEK ● “Solomon Thought about Life” (Ecclesiastes 1:111)
Check out the Gospel Project for Kids Family App or the Big Picture Cards for Families
for more ways to interact with the Bible content each week.
In Christ,