December 6th: CiA and Mission Friends Caroling at the nursing home @ 5pm followed by Christmas party at OCBC
December 13th (am): Kids’ Choir Christmas during morning worship service
December 13th (pm): Kids’ Choir will sing with adult choir during the evening service
11/22: No CiA/MF this Sunday due to the Thanksgiving dinner and worship service
11/29: All CiA/MF will meet with Stephenie in the fellowship hall to practice carols for the next week’s caroling at the nursing home.
12/6: Caroling at the nursing home @ 5pm…Christmas party at OCBC @ 6pm during evening worship service.
12/13-1/3: No Cia/MF due to Christmas events and traveling.
Kids’ choir is working hard on our Christmas music! We will be singing two of our songs on December 13th during the morning worship service. We will also be singing with the adult choir during the evening service on December 13th.
Unit Title: God the Covenant-Keeper
Key Passage: Genesis 26:24
Session Title: Joseph Sent to Egypt
Main Point: God sent Joseph to Egypt.
Bible Passage: Genesis 37:1-36; 39:1–41:57
Big Picture Question: What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s plan.
Christ Connection: God sent Joseph to Egypt. God was with Joseph, and Joseph had a big job and
lots of power. God used Joseph’s power to help Joseph’s family and many others. Jesus had a lot
of power in heaven, but He left heaven to come to earth. Jesus came to save people from sin.
This week’s Bible story is about Joseph and his brothers. Jacob had 12 sons. They would become the leaders of the tribes of Israel. But Jacob’s favorite son was Joseph. Joseph was the son of Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife, and Jacob didn’t hide his favoritism. Needless to say, Joseph’s brothers were jealous of Joseph. When Joseph told his brothers about the dream he had that they would one day bow down to him, the Bible says they could no longer speak peaceably with him. In short, they hated him.
Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit with the intent to kill him. Then they figured they’d make a profit by selling him to people taking slaves to Egypt. Joseph was about seventeen years old when he was sold into Potiphar’s house. But God was with him--even when Potiphar’s wife had Joseph thrown into prison for something he didn’t do. God had a wonderful plan for Joseph. He raised up Joseph into a position of power in Egypt. Remind your kids that nothing can stop God’s perfect plan to send Jesus through the family of Israel.
Family starting points
- What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s plan.
- God sent Joseph to Egypt.
- What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s perfect plan.
- God used Joseph’s suffering for good.
Check out the Gospel Project for Kids Family App or the Big Picture Cards for Families for ways to interact with the Bible content each week.
In Christ,