December 6th: CiA and Mission Friends Caroling at the nursing home @ 5pm followed by Christmas party at OCBC
December 13th (am): Kids’ Choir Christmas during morning worship service
December 13th (pm): Kids’ Choir will sing with adult choir during the evening service
My wonderful Oak Crest family! Thank you so very much to those of you who worked so hard to make our Family Fun Fest a success! We had many visiting families, and I was able to speak with most of them! A very special thank you to The Adams, The Hensons, The Brandenburgs, The Douglas' and both Hyndman families for all of the help working everything out in the weeks leading up to the event.
Come join us Sundays @ 6pm! Children in Action is for children in 1st-5th grade. Mission Friends is for children 3 years through Kindergarten. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. It’s not too late to jump in!
This month in CiA/MF…
We were honored to have Chi Alpha missionaries, The Nolands, come and speak this past Sunday evening! Also, vests and badges are being ordered this week. If you haven’t turned in your order form, please do so.
Kid’s choir will be each Wednesday night during the 7pm service. We will be focusing on the “Hymn of the Month” and Christmas music. This year, we will not be doing a Children’s Christmas Cantata, but we will be learning three different Christmas songs. One will be performed with the Adult Choir during the adult Christmas cantatas (evening of December 13th), and the other 2 will be performed during the morning service on December 13th.
In Christ,