“Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away.” Matthew 19:13-15
PRE-K/KINDERGARTEN SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED! We have an IMMEDIATE NEED for teachers for our Pre-K/Kindergarten Sunday school class! Please contact me if you are interested in serving! ***CHANGE OF PLANS*** After receiving feedback on our plans for Children in Action/Mission Friends from our families and teachers, we have decided to move Children in Action and Mission Friends to SUNDAY NIGHTS, from 6:00-7:00 (the same time as Sunday evening service). Kid’s Choir will be on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS, from 7:00-8:00 (the same time as Wednesday evening service). For anyone needing clarification, children participating in Mission Friends are ages 3 years-Kindergarten. Children in Action is for grades 1st-6th. Please read below to see what’s going on with Oak Crest Kids. August 1st: Pizza/Game night in the Rock, 6:30pm August 3rd: Promotion Sunday Date TBD: Hawaiian Falls End of Summer Bash (third week in August) September 3rd: Kid’s Choir Begins! September 7th: Children in Action/Mission Friends Kick-Off Party September 14th: First session of Children in Action/Mission Friends October: Corn Maze (Date TBD) November: Boys Weekend/Girls Weekend (Date TBD) Wednesday night and Sunday School Tonight we will continue our study on the Armor of God, Exodus 6:10-20, with “The Power of Prayer,” (Exodus 6:18). This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes place about 33 days after Jesus’ birth. Mary and Joseph, the proud new parents of the Savior, took Him to the temple as God had commanded. In Christ, Stephenie DON’T FORGET TO GET AN OAK CREST KIDS T-SHIRT!
“ So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”
Matthew 18:14 PRE-K/KINDERGARTEN SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED! Children’s ministry is moving and shaking with many parents stepping up and serving in several different areas! This absolutely warms my heart, and I am encouraged with how God is shaping our children’s ministry at Oak Crest. We have an IMMEDIATE NEED for teachers for our Pre-K/Kindergarten Sunday school class! Please contact me if you are interested in serving! Thank you! Thank you to those of you who attended the children’s ministry meeting last night! Please read below to see what’s going on with Oak Crest Kids. August 1st: Pizza/Game night in the Rock August 3rd: Promotion Sunday Date TBD: Hawaiian Falls End of Summer Bash (third week in August) September 3rd: Children in Action/Mission Friends Kick-Off Party September 10th: First session of Children in Action/Mission Friends October: Corn Maze (Date TBD) November: Boys Weekend/Girls Weekend (Date TBD) Wednesday night and Sunday School Tonight, we will continue our study on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) with the Sword of the Spirit. In Sunday School, the Gospel Project begins a new unit, God’s Plan is Jesus, with Luke 2:1-20, “Jesus is Born!” Big Picture Question: Where was Jesus born? Big Picture Answer: Jesus was born in Bethlehem as God promised Key Passage/Memory Verse: John 1:14 Unit Christ Connection: Old Testament prophecies looked forward to the birth of Christ. Jesus’ roles as Son of God and Messiah are established. In Christ, Stephenie DON’T FORGET TO GET AN OAK CREST KIDS T-SHIRT! “For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, 2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. “ Colossians 2:1-2
Discipleship and Fellowship Our primary goal in children’s ministry is discipleship. When parents and grandparents place their children in our hands, they do it with the confidence that they will be led in theologically sound discipleship! I feel that we are on the right path at Oak Crest where children’s discipleship is concerned. The secondary goal is fellowship. As our children grow, I pray that they will come to rely on one another and hold each other accountable…that they encourage one another “being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of Christ.” I pray that their friendships will grow, and as they transition into their teenage years when so many difficult decisions are made, that they will turn to each other within our covenant community of believers for counsel and insight…that these brothers and sisters in Christ will also be friends. And cherish that friendship. So, as we start to add opportunities for fellowship beyond our regular discipleship, will you join us in praying that these are moments that will foster those friendships and our children will be knit together in love? Sunday School and Wednesday Night Tonight, we will continue our study of the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20 by focusing on the helmet of salvation. In Sunday school this week, The Gospel Project is focusing on Luke 1:57-80, John is born! Big Picture ?: Why was John the Baptist special? Big Picture Answer: John the Baptist told people about Jesus. Christ Connection: As prophesied in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1, John the Baptist prepared the people for the coming Messiah. Key Passage/Memory Verse: Luke 1:76. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE… *We will begin Children In Action in September and need numerous volunteers *Would you consider being a part of our Sunday School team? MARK YOU CALENDARS! CHILDEREN’S TEAM MEETING, JULY 22ND @ 7:00PM PROMOTION SUNDAY, AUGUST 3RD Please be in prayer about serving in children’s ministry at Oak Crest! In Christ, Stephenie PS…Don’t forget to get your Oak Crest Kids t-shirt! “From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. THEREFORE, IF ANYONE IS IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATION. THE OLD HAS PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, THE NEW HAS COME.” 2 Corinthians 5:16-17
WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! MetroCamp2014 was an amazing experience! We felt God’s presence throughout the week. We enjoyed His creation, dove into His Word, and worshiped through song. Our focus at camp was becoming a new creation in Christ! It was my absolute pleasure to serve alongside the other adults who gave their time and energy. Thank you Paul and Courtney Steele and Jennifer Whisenhunt for being the example of leadership God has called you to. Getting to know your kids on a deeper level was the highlight of the week. I am in awe of the mighty works God is doing in our children and families at Oak Crest! Sunday School and Wednesday Night Tonight, we will resume our study of the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20 by focusing on the shield of faith. In Sunday school this week, The Gospel Project is focusing on Luke 1:39-56, when Mary visited Elizabeth. Big Picture ?: Why did Elizabeth’s baby leap in the womb? Big Picture Answer: Elizabeth’s baby was happy because of Jesus! Christ Connection: God kept His promise to send a Savior. This was good news! Before Jesus was born, people sang songs and thanked God for His Son. Mary and Elizabeth worshiped God because of Jesus. Key Passage/Memory Verse: Luke 1:76. We need YOUR HELP in Children’s Ministry! OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE… *We will begin Children In Action in September and need numerous volunteers *Would you consider being a part of our Sunday School team? MARK YOU CALENDARS! CHILDEREN’S TEAM MEETING, JULY 22ND @ 7:00PM PROMOTION SUNDAY, AUGUST 3RD Please be in prayer about serving in children’s ministry at Oak Crest! In Christ, Stephenie And we’re off!
Today (Wednesday), 13 campers and 4 sponsors are heading to Riverbend Retreat in Glen Rose, Texas for MetroCamp2014! We are so excited to see what God has in store for us over the next 5 days! Please be in prayer for each of us and for the camp staff, that we will seek God’s will throughout the week and allow the importance of the biblical teachings and fellowship to be front and center throughout the week. A few thanks you’s… Thank you to Jennifer Whisenhunt and Paul and Courtney Steele for giving of themselves and their time to come with us as sponsors! Thank you to Holly Clayton for helping me organize camp supplies and t-shirts! Thank you to the Pairs and Spares class for making all of us sack lunches for the trip to Glen Rose! Wednesday Night… NO CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES, PRE-SCHOOL THROUGH 6TH GRADE DUE TO KIDS CAMP Sunday School… This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us to the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry, specifically his birth. John is called the forerunner of the Savior. The term refers to someone who would literally run before a king, heralding his coming. We will be comparing Malachi 4:5-6 to Luke 1:16-17. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE… *We are in need of a Wednesday night preschool teacher from now until September *We will begin Children In Action in September and need numerous volunteers *Would you consider being a part of our Sunday School team? Please be in prayer about serving in children’s ministry at Oak Crest! In Christ, Stephenie |
AuthorStephenie Stokes, Archives
October 2020
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