Looking ahead…Mark your calendars! December 11: Kids’ Choir Christmas program during morning service December 14: Church-wide Cookies, Cocoa & Caroling, 6 pm December 18: Oak Crest Kids’ Christmas Party December 25: No Sunday school or evening activities, Worship Service at 10:45 am December 21-January 7: All children’s activities suspended throughout the holidays January 8: TeamKID resumes January 11: Kids’ choir resumes Come join us in worshiping with the OCBC Kids’ Choir
on Sunday morning and Sunday evening! THE GOSPEL PROJECT FOR KIDS, Sundays @ 9:30am Unit 16: God the Sustainer Unit Description:After years of living in sin, God’s people were sent into exile. The Southern Kingdom of Judah was captured by Babylon. Through Daniel and other faithful men, God showed His power to the people of Babylon and eventually Persia. When the time of exile ended, God brought His people home and helped them rebuild the temple. Key Passage: Daniel 2:20-21 Big Picture Question: How can we obey God? We trust God to give us strength to obey Him. Bible Story: Daniel and His Friends Obeyed God Bible Passage: Daniel 1 Main Point: Daniel obeyed God by not eating the king’s food. This week we began a 3session story arc spanning much of Daniel’s life. God’s people had been warned by the prophets: “Turn from your sin, and turn back to God!” But the people did not listen. The nation of Judah was consumed by idol worship; the kings did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. So God kept His word—He allowed His people to be taken from their land. Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon, the strong and powerful nation that overtook Judah’s capital of Jerusalem and brought God’s people from Israel to Babylon. Daniel was a young man in Judah when this happened. He might have heard about the prophet Isaiah’s warnings; now he witnessed their fulfillment. (See Isa. 39:57.) King Nebuchadnezzar called for the best young men from Judah to be trained for service in the palace. Among these teens were Daniel and three of his friends. The chosen boys were given new identities—new names, new education, new culture. But Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah stayed faithful to the one true God and refused to make themselves unclean by eating the king’s food. God blessed Daniel and his friends. Daniel’s obedience to God led to his favor with King Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel’s life would be a testament to God’s control over all things. God remembered His people during the exile and promised to bring them back to their homeland and set up a new kingdom. Daniel chose to obey God no matter what, and God blessed Daniel and his friends. In an even greater way, Jesus always obeyed God. He came to earth and followed God’s plan to save sinners. Jesus never sinned, but He died the death we deserve. Jesus rose from the dead, and those who trust in Him receive God’s forgiveness and blessing. Help your kids understand that obedience is not always easy, but we trust God to give us strength to obey Him. Point out that Daniel lived about 600 years before Jesus—the perfectly obedient promised One. We can trust that Jesus will return someday to set up His kingdom forever. Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week. FAMILY STARTING POINTS ● Babies and Toddlers ○ God helps us obey Him. ○ God let the king of Babylon take His people away. ○ Daniel and his friends loved and obeyed God. ○ Jesus always obeyed God. ● Preschool ○ How can we obey God? We trust God to help us obey Him. ○ Daniel obeyed God. ● Kids ○ How can we obey God? We trust God to give us strength to obey Him. ○ Daniel obeyed God by not eating the king’s food. UNIT KEY PASSAGE ● Daniel 2:2021 (Preschool: Daniel 2:20 ) In Christ, Stephenie
AuthorStephenie Stokes, Archives
October 2020
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