![]() Looking ahead…Mark your calendars! May 8: Baby Dedication May 15: Family Picnic May 18: No Kids’ Choir May 22: Final CiA until fall May 25: Final Kids’ Choir until fall June 5: Preteen Camp breakfast fundraiser June 8: Summer TeamKID kickoff June 26-29: PowerPlus Preteen Camp @ Pineywoods July 17-21: OCBC VBS POWERPLUS PRETEEN CAMP @ PINEYWOODS If you have not paid your $100 deposit, please do so ASAP. Session 1: June 26-29 (Sun-Wed) Camp Cost: $215 Early Registration Cost: $200 $100 DEPOSIT DUE IN CHURCH OFFICE ***NOW*** VBS July 17-21 Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace VBS will be here before we know it, and it’s time to start praying and planning! Right now, I’m looking for family leaders (equivalent to last year’s tribe leaders) and people to man the workshops. CHILDREN IN ACTION/MISSION FRIENDS Come join us Sundays @ 6pm! Children in Action is for children in 1st-5th grade. Mission Friends is for children 3 years through Kindergarten. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. This month in CiA/MF… In May, children will investigate ways church planters in Washington, DC, are developing churches through everyday connections in their communities. By doing church in a way that makes God real to seekers and new believers, these missionaries are helping people discover Christ! Serving in: Washington DC Missionary: Clint and Jennifer Clifton; Nathan and Andria Knight Biblical Focus: Paul valued a “Support Team” Memory Verse: From whom (Christ) the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Eph 4:16 (ESV) KIDS’ CHOIR Kids’ Choir will sing during the morning service on May 15th. No Kids’ Choir on May 18th. End of year party on May 25th. May’s Hymn of the Month: Jesus, Name Above All Names SUNDAY SCHOOL Unit 9: God Judges His People Unit Description:Because His people continually fell into a pattern of sin, God raised up judges to help refocus the people’s faith and trust in Him. God used the judges to help deliver His people from their enemies. While a judge was still alive, God saved the people from their enemies, but when the judge died, the nation would lapse back into sin and again need salvation through another judge. Key Passage: Isaiah 33:22 Big Picture Question: Whom does God use in His plan? God uses people in His plan. Bible Story: Gideon Bible Passage: Judges 6–8 Main Point: God gave Gideon victory over his enemies. This week, we continue examining the judges of the Old Testament with Gideon. Gideon was an unlikely judge. When God called him, he was afraid and was unsure if he could be used by God. God proved to Gideon, and the Israelites, that He is strong enough and that He is the One Israel should depend on. The Israelites cried out to God because they knew they could not save themselves. Even Gideon was not enough to save them; God used Gideon to save His people, but God fought the battle for them. The people needed someone who was mighty to save. Jesus Christ came to save us from sin because we cannot save ourselves. Only God, through Christ, can save us. Help your kids see that God uses our weaknesses for His glory. FAMILY STARTING POINTS ● Babies and Toddlers ○ God’s plan is perfect. ○ God used Gideon to help His people. ○ God said He would be with Gideon. ○ God sent Jesus to be with us. ● Preschool ○ Whom does God use in His plan? God uses people in His plan. ○ God gave Gideon victory over his enemies. ● Kids ○ How does God accomplish His plan? God uses people for His glory and our good. ○ God used Gideon’s weakness for His glory. UNIT KEY PASSAGE ● Isaiah 33:22 NEXT WEEK ● “Samson” (Judges 13–16) Check out the Gospel Project for Kids Family App or the Big Picture Cards for Families for more ways to interact with the Bible content each week. In Christ, Stephenie
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