March 15th: No Kids’ Choir (Spring Break)
March 19th: No TeamKID (Spring Break)
April 9th: Palm Sunday (All kids will lay Palm Branches), Kids’ Choir Sings in PM service
April 16th: Easter Sunday, No Children’s activities during PM Service
May 17: Final Kids’ Choir
May 21st: Final TeamKID
May 26th: End of School Bash for all OCBC Kids, 6pm
June 4th-8th: VBS
June 14th: Summer Kids’ program begins
June 25th-28th: PowerPlus Preteen Camp @ Pineywoods
What is God’s Most Important Creation?
Memory Verse: Genesis 1:27
Bible Passage: The Creation of Adam and Eve – Genesis 1:25-27; 2:7, 19-25
Missions Emphasis: Kathmandu, Nepal
What We Learned:
For the next six sessions, kids will be learning what the Bible
teaches about people. First, salvation is offered because of what Christ accomplished
on the cross. However, people need to understand the reality of their own sin and their
need for salvation. Next, all of God’s Word tells of the Covenant relationship He desires
with people and the perfect plans He has for people. Knowing what Scripture says
about people is the key to knowing ourselves. The following sessions will set a primary
foundation for your child’s understanding of sin, self, and the purposed plans of God.
Today your child learned that humans are God’s most important creation. Everything
that God made was good, but He called humankind “very good.” We are made in God’s
image, which means we have the unique ability to give God glory through the way we
use our abilities and interact with each other and the world.
At-Home: This week at home, place a poster board on the floor or affix it on a wall or
gather at a table and simply pass a piece of paper around. Draw a large oval representing
a face. Take turns blindfolding family members. Each person should try to draw one
feature of the face: hair, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, and so forth. Talk about
how amazing it is that God made people in such a special, precise, and perfect way.
For deeper discussion, use the following prompts.
1. In your own words, describe how God created people.
2. After reading Genesis 1–2, talk about the differences and similarities in each chapter.
Discuss as a family how the two narratives fit together.
3. As a spoiler for next week, ask your son or daughter why Adam and Eve were totally
Bonus Verse: Romans 12:1
Kids' Choir, Wednesdays @ 7pm
Hymn of the month:
At the Cross
We are starting to prepare for Easter! Now is a great time to join the choir!
Unit Description:
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He grew up and began to prepare for His ministry. Jesus demonstrated from a young age that He understood His role as God’s Son. When Jesus was baptized, God confirmed His sonship. Jesus was subsequently tempted by Satan, but He did not sin.
Key Passage: 1 Timothy 1:15
Big Picture Question: What makes Jesus different? Jesus is fully God and fully man.
Bible Story: Mary Praised God
Bible Passage: Luke 1:26-56
Main Point: God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother.
God’s people had not heard a clear message from God for hundreds of years. Then one day, Gabriel—an angel of the Lord—told a man that his wife, Elizabeth, was going to have a baby. The baby's name would be John. Then the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would have a baby, and her baby would be God's Son. Mary and Elizabeth were relatives. Elizabeth was old and barren; she and her husband, Zechariah, had no children. Mary was a young girl—likely in her early teens. She was a virgin, engaged to be married to Joseph. The announcements of these pregnancies were miraculous for both women. Both babies had been foretold by the prophet Isaiah—John in Isaiah 40:3 and Jesus in Isaiah 7:14. The angel Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth was pregnant too, and Mary hurried to see her.
The journey would not have been easy. Mary traveled nearly one hundred miles to see Elizabeth, and her arrival brought great joy to both Elizabeth and Elizabeth's unborn baby. In the presence of the unborn Messiah, John leaped in Elizabeth's womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she said, "Mary, you are blessed!" The story of Mary's visit with Elizabeth gives us a remarkable picture of women living by faith. Being a young, unwed pregnant woman could have caused Mary to worry. Instead, her response is marked by her trust in God. Mary's song reflects her knowledge of God's Word and her understanding of who God is. Mary was willing to follow God’s plan, even though being Jesus’ mother would not be easy. Mary wanted to bring praise to God. Likewise, Jesus brought praise to His Father by willingly dying on the cross to save people from sin.
Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.
● Babies and Toddlers
○ Jesus is God’s Son.
○ God promised to send Jesus to earth.
○ Mary praised God for sending Jesus.
○ Nothing is impossible with God.
● Preschool
○ What makes Jesus different? Jesus is God’s One and Only Son.
○ Jesus’ mother was Mary.
● Kids
○ What makes Jesus different? Jesus is fully God and fully man.
○ God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother.
● 1 Timothy 1:15
● “Jesus Was Born” (Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:1-20)
In Christ,