January 19th: Children’s Team Planning Meeting, 7pm
Please make plans to attend our Children’s Team Planning Meeting. We will be planning out the rest of the spring and summer activities.
Come join us Sundays @ 6pm! Children in Action is for children in 1st-5th grade. Mission Friends is for children 3 years through Kindergarten. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. It’s the PERFECT time to jump in and join us!
This month in CiA/MF…
Serving in: Miami, Florida
Missionary Family: Church Planters Alex Comesanas and Patrick Coats
Biblical Focus: Turn our hearts toward Him!
Memory Verse: “May he turn our hearts to him. Then we will live the way he wants us to. We’ll obey the commands, rules and directions he gave our people of long ago.”
1 Kings 8:58
Kid’s choir will be each Wednesday night during the 7pm service. We will be focusing on the “Hymn of the Month” and Easter music. Come join us!
Unit Title: God the Redeemer
Key Passage: Hebrews 3:5-6
Session Title: The Golden Calf
Bible Passage: Exodus 32:1-35; 34:1-9
Main Point: God punished His people for worshiping a golden calf.
Big Picture Question: What is God’s plan? God’s plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
God led His peole into the wilderness, but He did not leave them there alone. The Lord was with His people and provided for them. His presence could not be ignored. But when Moses went up o nthe mountain and did not return for several weeks, the Israelites felt abandoned. They appealed to Moses’ brother, Aaron to “make us a god who will go before us because this Moses…we don’t know what happened to him!”
Aaron made a golden calf and the people worshipped it. God punished His people for worshiping a golden calf, and Moses returned to the mountain to ask the Lord to forgive the Israelites’ sin. Moses could not atone for the Israelites sin, but the Lord did not abandon the Israelites.
Jesus is greater than Moses! When we sin, Jesus not only talks to the Father for us, He atones for our sin. God forgives those who trust in Jesus!
In Christ,