What’s coming up? Mark your calendars!
Wednesdays @ 7pm-TeamKID Thursdays @ 2pm-“Adopt-A-Grandparent” at the Midlothian Health Care Center August 19th: Final TeamKID for the summer September 13: Children in Action Kickoff (Sundays @ 6pm) September 16: Kids’ Choir Kickoff (Wednesdays @ 7pm) TEAM KID ***Our last TeamKID will be Wednesday, August 19, 2015*** This week in TeamKID God Can Count on Me to Ask for Forgiveness This week’s bible study: The Parable of the Unforgiving Slave Memory verse: Luke 6:37 "TeamKID-Kids In Discipleship," our exciting summer children's program will be held on Wednesday nights from June 17th- August 19th @ 7pm in the fellowship hall. Team kid is for children who are ENTERING kindergarten through children who have COMPLETED 6th grade. We will not have a children's program on Sunday evenings during the summer. I encourage you to continue to attend on Sunday evenings and enjoy worship and bible study as a family. Child care will be provided for nursery and preschool age children (4 and under) on both Sunday and Wednesday evenings. ADOPT-A-GRANDPARENT, Thursdays @ 2pm Hope to see everyone at the nursing home tomorrow! Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 Oak Crest Kids are partnering with the Midlothian Health Care nursing home to "Adopt-a-Grandparent." Every Thursday afternoon throughout the summer, we will take part in fun activities that the nursing home has planned for their residents. During that time, children will partner with their "adopted grandparent" to help them participate in the activity. We will also plan one Sunday evening during the months of June, July, and August to visit our "grandparents." Families with children of ALL AGES are encouraged to participate. Children under 8 MUST be accompanied by an adult. CHILDREN IN ACTION/MISSION FRIENDS Children in Action and Mission Friends will resume on September 13th! We will return to our school year schedule, holding CiA and MF on Sunday evenings at 6pm. Children in Action is for children in 1st-5th grade. Mission Friends is for children 3 years through Kindergarten. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. KIDS’ CHOIR Kid’s choir will resume on September 16th! Kid’s choir will be each Wednesday night during the 7pm service. We will be focusing on the “Hymn of the Month” and Christmas music. This year, we will not be doing a Children’s Christmas Cantata, but we will be learning three different Christmas songs. One will be performed with the Adult Choir during the adult Christmas cantatas (evenings of December 12th and 13th), and the other 2 will be performed during the morning service on December 13th. SUNDAY SCHOOL Unit Title: God’s Plan for the Church Is Fulfilled Key Passage: Revelation 22:12-13 Session Title: Christ’s Return Is Anticipated Bible Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1–3 Big Picture Question: When will Jesus come back? Only God knows when Jesus will return. Christ Connection: No one knows when Jesus will return, except for God. But Christians should be ready for Him. When Jesus comes back, people who do not believe in Him will be punished for their sin. But everyone who trusts in Jesus will be rescued! This week, our journey takes us to the church that Paul planted in Thessalonica. The Bible says that the Day of the Lord will be a time of judgment for evildoers (Mal. 4:1) and a time of salvation and deliverance for believers (Rom. 11:26). The Day of the Lord will come quickly (Zeph. 1:14). So imagine getting word that the Day of the Lord had already come. This is what happened to the church at Thessalonica. Some were convinced that they had missed Jesus’ second coming, and they stopped working. Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church to address this misunderstanding and to encourage the believers in their faith. Paul reminded the believers that no one knows when Jesus will return. Only God Himself knows. Believers must continue to work hard—doing God’s work and providing for themselves—until the moment Jesus comes. Paul even commanded the believers to stay away from people who lived irresponsibly. Like many early Christians, the believers at Thessalonica faced persecution for their faith. Paul encouraged them not to fall away. He told them to stand strong in what they believed about Jesus. He encouraged them to “not grow weary in doing good” (2 Thess. 3:13). Life was probably difficult for the new believers, and Paul assured them that God would reward those who are faithful to Him and punish those who are against Him. (2 Thess. 1:5-7) Paul prayed that the gospel would spread quickly, and he asked the church to pray as well. He prayed that in the midst of confusion and persecution, the Lord would give them peace. No one knows when Jesus will return except God Himself. Believers can stand firm through persecution and live in peace because on the great and glorious Day of the Lord, unbelievers will be punished for their sin and those who trust in Jesus will be saved. In Christ, Stephenie
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