What’s coming up? Mark your calendars!
Wednesdays @ 7pm-TeamKID Thursdays @ 2pm-“Adopt-A-Grandparent” at the Midlothian Health Care Center 7/26-7/30-Hometown Nazareth VBS, 6-8:30pm (Serving finger foods at 5:30pm) Please go online NOW and register you family for VBS! https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/hl/OakCrestKids We still need tribe leaders! Please contact Tonja Adams or myself if you are willing to volunteer! TEAM KID NO TEAMKID ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 22ND, DUE TO THE MISSIONS CONFERENCE! WE WANT ALL THE KIDS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MISSIONS CONFERENCE!!! "TeamKID-Kids In Discipleship," our exciting summer children's program will be held on Wednesday nights from June 17th- August 19th @ 7pm in the fellowship hall. Team kid is for children who are ENTERING kindergarten through children who have COMPLETED 6th grade. We will not have a children's program on Sunday evenings during the summer. I encourage you to continue to attend on Sunday evenings and enjoy worship and bible study as a family. Child care will be provided for nursery and preschool age children (4 and under) on both Sunday and Wednesday evenings. ADOPT-A-GRANDPARENT, Thursdays @ 2pm I am in Colorado this week, but please bring your children to visit their grandparents! Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 Oak Crest Kids are partnering with the Midlothian Health Care nursing home to "Adopt-a-Grandparent." Every Thursday afternoon throughout the summer, we will take part in fun activities that the nursing home has planned for their residents. During that time, children will partner with their "adopted grandparent" to help them participate in the activity. We will also plan one Sunday evening during the months of June, July, and August to visit our "grandparents." Families with children of ALL AGES are encouraged to participate. Children under 8 MUST be accompanied by an adult. VBS VBS is going to be so AWESOME this year! Join us in Hometown Nazareth-- let's explore what life was like when Jesus was a kid! You’ll visit unique shops in the Marketplace, play Bible-times games, and listen to true stories about Jesus as told by his mom, Mary! You'll also get to eat yummy foods...just like what Jesus ate! To help out busy families, we will have finger foods available from 5:30-6:00 each night. SUNDAY SCHOOL Unit Title: Paul’s Conversion and Ministry Key Passage: Romans 1:16 Session Title: Paul’s Third Journey Bible Passage: Acts 18:18–21:16 Big Picture Question: What did Paul tell people to do? Paul told people to turn from their sins and trust in Jesus. Christ Connection: Paul shared the gospel with people who didn’t know Jesus, and he encouraged believers in the church to keep loving Jesus. God changed the people’s hearts, and they turned away from their sin. The good news about Jesus is powerful and life-giving. This week’s bible story picks up with Paul’s third missionary journey. Paul traveled from place to place, teaching about Jesus and encouraging the believers. Luke, the writer of Acts, records that a major disturbance arose in Ephesus concerning Christians. Ephesus was a large city in Asia Minor. It was a central location for politics, religions, and business. Some men there made their living by making silver shrines for false gods, like the goddess Artemis. If people started to believe what Paul was saying, they could lose their livelihood! The men started a riot. Paul wanted to speak to the people, but the disciples would not let him. They feared for Paul’s life. After the uproar was over, Paul left for Macedonia. In Troas, a city in Macedonia, Paul spoke about Jesus late into the night. One young man named Eutychus (YOO tih kuhs) was sitting on a window sill, listening, when he fell asleep. He fell out the window from the third story and died. But Paul—through the power of God—brought him back to life. Sometime later, Paul decided to go back to Jerusalem. Along the way, a prophet named Agabus came to Paul. He took Paul’s belt and tied his own feet and hands. Then he said that the Jews in Jerusalem would bind Paul’s hands and feet in the same way. Paul’s friends begged him not to go. But Paul was not afraid to be arrested—or even to die—for the name of Jesus, so Paul kept going toward Jerusalem. Paul told about Jesus even when he was in danger. Paul shared the gospel with people who didn’t know Jesus. He told people to turn from their sins and trust in Jesus, and he encouraged believers in the church to keep loving Jesus. God changed the people’s hearts, and they turned away from their sin. The good news about Jesus is powerful and life-giving. In Christ, Stephenie
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