Wednesdays @ 7pm-TeamKID
Thursdays @ 2pm-“Adopt-A-Grandparent” at the Midlothian Health Care Center
7/26-7/30-Hometown Nazareth VBS, 6-8:30pm (Serving finger foods at 5:30pm)
We had a wonderful time at camp last week! The kids had jam-packed days full of fun, fellowship, and worship. The theology, which stems from the camp director through the camp pastors, is biblically sound. We are excited to go back to PowerPlus @ Pineywoods again next summer! Thank you so much to Paul Cheek, Holly Clayton, and Courtney Steele for being amazing sponsors! Thank you to Trisha Douglas and Julie Hyndman for all their help with the administrative side of getting everyone registered and paid for! And thank you to all of our members who contributed to help with camp costs and especially for your prayers!
"TeamKID-Kids In Discipleship," our exciting summer children's program will be held on Wednesday nights from June 17th- August 19th @ 7pm in the fellowship hall. Team kid is for children who are ENTERING kindergarten through children who have COMPLETED 6th grade. We will not have a children's program on Sunday evenings during the summer. I encourage you to continue to attend on Sunday evenings and enjoy worship and bible study as a family. Child care will be provided for nursery and preschool age children (4 and under) on both Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and grow in a relationship with Him. All parts of TeamKID--Bible stories, Scripture memory, life application, missions, and recreation--connect to teach life lessons to kids. TeamKID is designed for children to do more than memorize Scripture. It helps children understand what the verses they memorize mean because all parts of the TeamKID meeting focus on one Bible message. The noncompetitive games, Bible story, memory verse, missions, refreshments, and conclusion all contribute to help children understand and apply God's Word to their lives.
ADOPT-A-GRANDPARENT, Thursdays @ 2pm
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27
Oak Crest Kids are partnering with the Midlothian Health Care nursing home to "Adopt-a-Grandparent." Every Thursday afternoon throughout the summer, we will take part in fun activities that the nursing home has planned for their residents. During that time, children will partner with their "adopted grandparent" to help them participate in the activity. We will also plan one Sunday evening during the months of June, July, and August to visit our "grandparents." Families with children of ALL AGES are encouraged to participate. Children under 8 MUST be accompanied by an adult.
VBS is going to be so AWESOME this year! Join us in Hometown Nazareth-- let's explore what life was like when Jesus was a kid! You’ll visit unique shops in the Marketplace, play Bible-times games, and listen to true stories about Jesus as told by his mom, Mary! You'll also get to eat yummy foods...just like what Jesus ate! To help out busy families, we will have finger foods available from 5:30-6:00 each night.
Please go online NOW and register your family for VBS!
In Christ,