6/10 MANDATORY Church Camp Parent Meeting, 7pm
6/17 TeamKID Kickoff/Swim Party at the Adams’ house, 6:45-8:15pm
6/21- 6/24-Church Camp!
7/26- 7/30-Vacation Bible School, 6-8:30 pm, with a mini-meal served at 5:30pm
Don’t forget about our new children’s ministry summer schedule! Check it out below!
This is a very busy time of the year for most families…I know it is for ours! As we wrap up our school year programs, we are excited to shake things up for the summer! We will be taking a short break from children’s activities as we switch gears and get prepared for the summer program.
Beginning on Wednesday, June 17th, our major summer program will be on Wednesdays. It is called TeamKID: Kids in Discipleship. It is a fun, recreation-based club for kids! TeamKID balances high-energy activities and games with high-impact Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, and life application. It will be for kids ENTERING Kindergarten in the fall through kids who have COMPLETED 6th grade! It will coincide with Wednesday night service time and from 7pm-8pm.
We will not have a children’s program on Sunday evenings. Families are encouraged to worship together at that time. Child care will be provided for children ages 4 and under on both Sunday and Wednesday evenings. You can check out TeamKID at lifeway.com!
Over the next three weeks, kids will be learning about the early church. After the Holy Spirit came and the disciples began preaching the gospel, more and more people believed in Jesus. They met together and shared what they had like one big family. God blessed them, and the church grew. (See Acts 2.)
Peter and John were among Jesus’ first disciples. They were fishermen, and when Jesus called them, Peter and John immediately left their work and followed Him. (Matt. 4:18-22) Peter and John still followed Christ after His ascension. Though Jesus was no longer with them physically, the Holy Spirit empowered them to do God’s work.
One day, Peter and John encountered a man at the temple gate. The man was lame from birth, and he depended on the generosity of passersby. When the man looked at Peter and John, he likely hoped for or expected money. Gold or silver would have provided food or clothing, but Peter gave him something even more valuable. “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” (Acts 3:6) Peter reached out and helped the man to his feet. He was healed! Not by Peter’s power, but by the power of Jesus working through him.
After Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit gave the disciples power to keep working. Peter healed a man who was lame with the power of Jesus’ name. God was working in the early church. They lived very differently from the people around them. God gives the Holy Spirit to believers today so the church can tell others about Jesus and show them His love.
In Christ,