What’s coming up? Mark your calendars!
3/7-Bowling @ 4:30pm-6:30pm ***Rescheduled from last Saturday due to inclement weather.*** Hilltop Lanes, Waxahachie $8 per person 3/29-Kid's Choir Easter Presentation (during evening worship) 4/1-No Wednesday Night activities 4/2-Maundy Thursday Service 3/5-Easter...no children's activities 3/19-VBS Planning Meeting-**NEW EVENT*** 5/1-The Promise @ Glen Rose 6/21-6/24-Church Camp! VBS will be the 3rd week in July! We are still determining if we will run it Sunday through Thursday (12th-16th) or Monday through Friday (13th-17th) PowerPlus Preteen Camp 2015 @Pineywoods “BE WHAT U WANT 2 C” 1 Tim. 4:12 Session 2: June 21-24 (Wed-Sat) Completed 3rd grade-Completed 6th grade Session 1: June 21-24 (Sun-Wed) Completed 3rd grade-Completed 6th grade Camp Cost: $205 per student/sponsor ($105 deposit) Early Registration Cost: $190 per student/sponsor ($90 deposit) Deposit due in Oak Crest office by April 27th. Early Registration ends May 22nd. Remainder of camp cost must be paid in full by June 3rd. http://www.pineywoodscamp.com/powerplus-preteen-camp/ KID’S CHOIR, Wednesdays @ 7pm We will be working on music for our Easter presentation which will be on Psalm Sunday during the evening worship hour. CHILDREN IN ACTION/MISSION FRIENDS, Sunday’s @ 6 pm In March, children will discover how the Lord called the prophet Isaiah. They will learn how missionaries are answering God’s call to go and share His love in Toronto, Canada. Children will promote the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® and the Week of Prayer for missions. SUNDAY SCHOOL Unit Title: Toward Jerusalem Key Passage: Luke 18:31 Session Title: Jesus Was Anointed Bible Passage: Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8 Big Picture Question: What does it mean to honor Jesus? Honoring Jesus means to treat Him with respect. Christ Connection: Mary did the right thing by pouring expensive oil on Jesus. She worshiped Him. Jesus deserves to be worshiped. Jesus knew that He was going to die to rescue people from sin. Then He would be buried, and, on the third day, He would rise from the dead. This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us to Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; and John 12:1-8. Each of these accounts notes Jesus’ anointing six days before Passover. Jesus was in Bethany, eating supper at Simon the leper’s house. Since lepers were social outcasts, Simon may have been healed from his leprosy by Jesus. Jesus and His disciples attended the supper, as did Jesus’ friends Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. While Jesus was reclining at the table, Mary broke open an expensive alabaster jar of pure nard, a fragrance imported from India. Alabaster was an expensive form of marble. Alabaster jars were intricately crafted and sealed so that to open the jar, the owner would have to break it, and the perfumes or oils within the jar would be used immediately. Mary could not pour out a little bit of the nard and keep the rest for herself. Out of sincere and total devotion, Mary poured all of the nard onto Jesus. In stark contrast to Mary’s display of love, Judas Iscariot reacted with indignation. In Matthew’s account, the other disciples also wondered why Mary had not sold the nard—worth about a worker’s yearly wage—and given it to the poor. John states that Judas was not altruistic; Judas was in fact pilfering money from Jesus’ ministry. (See John 12:6.) “Leave her alone,” Jesus said. “She has kept it for the day of My burial” (John 12:7). The disciples would have plenty of time to minister to the poor, but Jesus would die in less than a week. Mary probably had no way of knowing what her offering of love and devotion would have signified, but Jesus said that from that moment on, people would remember what she had done for Him. Unlike the rich young ruler who thought the cost of following Christ was too high (Mark 10:22), Mary believed that Jesus holds more value than costly perfume. Mary’s actions were not wasteful but worshipful. By allowing Mary to anoint Him, Jesus showed that He is more valuable than anything. Jesus knew He would soon die for sinners, be buried, and rise from the dead on the third day. Those who trust in His death and resurrection will receive eternal life. If you haven’t used the Family Journal Page with your family yet, use this activity to continue the discussion about this story throughout the week: Guide your family to stand in a circle and close their lips. Taking turns, each person should turn to the person on her left and say, “(Name), if you love me, would you please smile?” If a person smiles, he must sit down. The last person standing wins! Discuss ways that we show our love for others. Read Mark 14:3-9 together. Remind kids that Mary worshiped Jesus with the perfume because she loved Him and knew He was more valuable than anything she had. Discuss ways that we can worship Jesus. In Christ, Stephenie
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