What’s coming up? Mark your calendars!
2/28-Bowling @ 4pm (location TBD) 3/29-Kid's Choir Easter Presentation 4/1-No Wednesday Night activities 4/2-Maundy Thursday Service 3/5-Easter...no children's activities 5/1-The Promise @ Glen Rose KID’S CHOIR, Wednesdays @ 7pm This week we will begin to work on music for our Easter presentation which will be on Psalm Sunday during the evening worship hour. CHILDREN IN ACTION/MISSION FRIENDS, Sunday’s @ 6 pm February’s missionaries are SERVING IN RUSSIA! In February, children will meet missionaries who show compassion and share the good news with people in Russia. They will be challenged to show compassion to people in their own community. SUNDAY SCHOOL This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, kids will learn about the parable of the wedding feast. Jesus’ parable of the wedding feast is more than a simple story about a king’s rude guests. The parable reveals the King (God the Father) who seeks to honor His Son (Jesus) with a banquet. Though many people are invited to the kingdom of heaven, few will choose to come. When Jesus told this parable, He had been teaching for three years. Many people who heard Jesus opposed Him, including the religious leaders. It was to this audience that Jesus told such a shocking story in which the attitudes and actions of the people who rejected the king’s invitation clearly paralleled the religious leaders. In the parable, the religious leaders are represented by the guests who refused to come to the wedding banquet. They had been invited, but when the king’s servants told them the feast was ready, they did not want to come. Instead, they went about their lives—to their farms and businesses. Some of them even killed the king’s messengers! What an insult to the king! These people had turned down an invitation to the most wonderful and joyous event they could imagine. The king would have given His best to honor his son, and the king reacted justly. He punished those who rejected him and invited others instead—those not in the city, both the good and the bad. Likewise, God invites Gentiles into His kingdom. No one is refused based on his or her economic or social standing. The King Himself provides the required attire—robes of righteousness, like those given to Joshua the high priest. (See Zech. 3:3-4.) The King rejects those who try to come by their own merit—in their own clothes—as the man without wedding clothes did. Salvation is a free gift. We can’t earn our way into heaven. Jesus did all the work when He died for our sins on the cross. This story reminds us that we need to be clothed in Christ's righteousness. Jesus invites us to join Him in heaven—the great wedding feast. When we receive His invitation, Jesus gets us ready by clothing us in His righteousness. Session Title: The Parable of the Wedding Feast Bible Passage: Matthew 22:1-14 (ESV) Big Picture Question: Who is invited to the Kingdom of Heaven? Big Picture Answer: Many are invited, but few will choose to come. Key Passage/Memory Verse: Matthew 13:11 (ESV) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus taught in parables so His followers would understand how to live in anticipation of His second coming. In Christ, Stephenie
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AuthorStephenie Stokes, Archives
October 2020
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