THE LIGHT HAS COME! Please join us this coming Sunday evening at 6:00pm as our Oak Crest Kids’ Choir presents the cantata, “The Light Has Come!” Following will be a reception of cookies and punch while we decorate Christmas cards to send to our service men and women. ![]() THE LIGHT HAS COME! Please join us this coming Sunday evening at 6:00pm as our Oak Crest Kids’ Choir presents the cantata, “The Light Has Come!” Following will be a reception of cookies and punch while we decorate Christmas cards to send to our service men and women. SUNDAY SCHOOL Once again, we are going to break from our chronological journey through the Bible to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. Jesus’ birth is God’s solution to our sin problem. When Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world, all of creation fell under a curse. (See Gen. 3:17-19.) We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We’ve inherited the curse of death from Adam. (See Rom. 3:23; 5:12.) Throughout the Old Testament, the consequences of sin are obvious. God’s people were separated from Him; they did not enjoy the intimate relationship with their Creator they were created to have. God’s people were affected by sickness and pain. The situation seemed hopeless, yet God did not leave His people without hope. Hundreds of messages came through the prophets concerning a coming Messiah—One who would rescue people from their sins. But when would this Promised One come? How would He come? Would the people recognize Him? The prophets Isaiah and Micah—who both lived hundreds of years before Jesus was born—spoke specifically of the Messiah’s birth. Isaiah told King Ahaz what the Lord would do. “The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel” (Isa. 7:14). He described the birth of a Prince of Peace—a Son of David who will reign forever. (Isa. 9:6-7) Isaiah said that He would be a King! (Isa. 11:1-5) The prophet Micah named the specific town—Bethlehem—in which Jesus would be born. (Mic. 5:2) God’s plan to save people from sin and death was not a secret plan. God used the prophets to give hope to His people. They said God would send a Messiah—born into the world as a baby to live the perfect life people fail to live and die the guilty death we deserve. Though death came through Adam, life comes through Christ. (1 Cor. 15:22) Through His death on the cross, Jesus finished the work for our salvation. In Him lies our hope of forgiveness and eternal life. Session Title: Prophets Told about Jesus’ Birth Big Picture Question: How many prophecies about Jesus’ birth actually happened? Big Picture Answer: Everything God said about Jesus’ birth came true! Key Passage/Memory Verse: Isaiah 9:6 Unit Christ Connection: The Savior God had promised was born! CHILDREN IN ACTION/MISSION FRIENDS, Sundays @ 6:00 December is a VERY busy month at Oak Crest! Due to our children’s musical, our adult musical, and traveling for the holidays, Children and Action and Mission Friends will not meet during the month of December. KID’S CHOIR, Wednesdays @ 7 Rehearsal tonight in the Sanctuary! 12/7 – Christmas Cantata (Please have your children in the sanctuary at 5:00pm.) 12/10 – Rehearsal to prepare for our song in the adult choir’s Christmas musical, 7pm 12/11 – Dress rehearsal with adult choir, 6:30pm 12/13 – Adult Christmas musical, 6:00pm (be seated in sanctuary @ 5:45) 12/14 -- Adult Christmas musical, 6:00pm (be seated in sanctuary @ 5:45) In Christ, Stephenie
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AuthorStephenie Stokes, Archives
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