It was wonderful to be in service with you again on Sunday! To be able to worship The Lord with your covenant community is always uplifting. As exciting as our last couple of weeks have been, there's definitely been a void!
I just want to remind you that we are still looking for teachers for our Pre-K/Kindergarten Sunday school class. Right now, I would just like to fill the class through the month of October. If you are interested in committing to just one month, PLEASE let me know!
Text or call @ 405-761-6335.
Don't forget!
Wednesdays at 7pm
Kid's Choir
Mr. Israel and Miss Jennifer have already introduced some of the music for our children's Christmas cantata! We'll be working on it from now through December...please come be a part of it!
Sundays @ 6pm
Children in Action, 1st-6th
Mission Friends, 3yrs-K
In Christ,