(Matthew 9:37-38 ESV)
Hello Oak Crest!
As I write this, I'm holding my sweet new little boy. I look at him and am so grateful to live where we live and have access to plenty of food, water, medical care, and most importantly, the Gospel. As I pray over him, I know that he will be raised in a home where he is taught that he has a Creator and Heavenly Father that loves him even more than I do and will provide, and he will know the name of Jesus! But many are not raised in homes like ours. Many don't have the resources they need. And even more pertinent, many have never heard the name of Jesus!
As our children dive into Children in Action and begin to learn about missions, specific missionaries, and spreading the Gospel, please pray for them...that The Lord will lay it on their sweet little hearts that we are all to be missionaries and spread the Good News!
Don't forget:
Kid's Choir tonight @ 7pm
Children in Action/Mission Friends
Sunday @ 6pm
In Christ,