We built the “not so new anymore” wing almost ten years ago. At that time we had almost totally paid off the debt from the original building. The loan including the new wing was $565,650.00. As of now, we currently owe $206,277.72. We pay $46,000 a year of our budget toward debt retirement. Within that budgeted amount is an additional monthly payment that is more than our required payment because we kept the same amount budgeted even after we refinanced a few years ago. Currently of the $46,000 budgeted, $7,113 a year goes directly to the principal on top of the regular monthly payments. This is in addition to any special gifts that are designated toward this effort. The debt was originally due to be paid in full on July 20, 2028. But because of our efforts in making additional principal payments, both budgeted and contributed, the loan will be paid off in a little over 5 years if we continue making payments at the current amount.
I am not asking anyone to make any pledges or sign any cards or anything like that. This is totally between you and God. But I am asking us to try something bold and big. I want to challenge Oak Crest to be debt free by July 20, 2018. That is a full ten years ahead of schedule and just over two years from now. Not counting this month, that is 27 months until July of 2018. Taking into consideration our current monthly payment, that is somewhere around $4,500 additional a month to accomplish this goal. That is just $1,125 more a week. If 75 families gave $15 a week toward this goal we could reach it!! Either way this is a big goal. Will you consider helping in this effort? I don’t know if we can do it, but at least trying will get us closer than we would be without trying. Let’s do it! Soli Deo Gloria.
In Christ,
Blain Craig