Martin Luther is credited with saying, “Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf in springtime.” What a beautiful truth and reminder. I am glad spring is a theological reminder for the promise of resurrection because aside from that it is probably my least favorite season, oh except for summer. Well that is a discussion for another time and place because I am sure you care very little about my climatological preferences, but what you should care about is that God is preaching his character and gospel to us in the very seasons of the year.
Every year we are reminded of the gospel. Every year the flowers, trees, and grass come to life. No longer are they shriveled, gray, and lifeless; in springtime they become vibrant with color and shape. Every year, God preaches the same sermon so beautifully that only he is able to bring life were there was only death. Only he is able to bring vibrant color in spring where there was only the lackluster drab of winter. The world will say that is the sun doing that, not God. But of course without the sovereign sustaining hand of God at every moment there would be no sun. At least in the northern hemisphere all of this springtime activity happens at precisely the same time of year that God instituted the Passover that pointed to fulfillment in Jesus Christ as the Passover Lamb. So as we admire the beauty of wildflower and the refreshing rain that God sends, it should remind us that God is sovereign in sustaining this world through the changing of the seasons. Those same wildflowers and leaves should also remind us that God has not left us abandoned to the grave. Physical death is coming to all of us as sure as winter follows fall, but the good news of the gospel is that in Jesus Christ as the firstborn of the resurrected eternal life is coming after that death as sure as spring follows winter. Thank you, Lord for teaching us the truth of your character and your plan not only in the pages of the book of Scripture, but in the pages of the book of your creation. May you be highly exalted and praised as the high king of heaven, the maker of heaven and earth, and the supreme sovereign of all things in heaven and on earth, who has given us life eternal through the precious life and death of your son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be glory in all generations in every season for all time. In Christ, Blain Craig
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