About Mike Gendron
For over 30 years, Evangelist Mike Gendron was a devout Roman Catholic and a strong defender of the "one true church." He was taught from a very early age, to trust and rely on the church, its priests, the sacraments and his own good works for salvation. However in 1981 while attending an evangelical seminar, he realized the Bible is the supreme authority for knowing truth. His new excitement and hunger for the inspired word of God led him to help organize the very first Little Rock Scripture Study at a Catholic Church in Dallas. Mike soon realized that many of the teachings and traditions of the Catholic religion were not found in the Bible. After more study he discovered the Roman Catholic plan of salvation was diametrically opposed to the Gospel of grace that is revealed in the Bible. After discerning that God seeks worshippers in spirit and truth, Mike left the Catholic Church in 1985 for a church where the true Gospel is proclaimed and the Scriptures are the final authority in all matters of faith. In 1988 he left a successful career in corporate management to study at Dallas Theological Seminary. Four years later, during his last semester at DTS, Mike and his wife Janeʼs love for Catholics inspired them to begin a ministry that would point Catholics to the Lord Jesus Christ as their all sufficient Savior. Their hearts are now burdened for those who may be where they were for most of their life - eternally condemned and not even aware of it. Their international ministry, Proclaiming the Gospel, which is now 30 years old, has developed many resources to equip and encourage Christians to be effective witnesses to Roman Catholics. Visit the ministry web site at www.ProclaimingTheGospel.org
AuthorDr. Blain Craig Archives
November 2024
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