I am thankful to God for the four nominees we have before us. I think the men you have nominated to be elder are exemplary candidates. I love each of them and think we will all be well served by their leadership. They along with our faithful and true deacons are blessings to Oak Crest. Our deacons have a heart and desire to serve you sacrificially by ministering to the various physical and spiritual needs of the church. Don’t neglect to seek the wisdom and counsel of all of these men as you walk daily with the Lord.
I hope you have noticed the announcement in the newsletter and the bulletin regarding the elder affirmation process going forward. To allow you all further opportunity for prayer and examination, we have arranged four Sunday evening services to hear from the elder nominees. Beginning on August 14th and extending to September 4th, each of the four elder nominees will take a Sunday evening to share their heart and their testimony with the church. This will be an excellent opportunity to hear their background, and get a good feel for their core beliefs and convictions. I want to encourage you now to make plans to be in attendance at these meetings. Not only will you hear the word of God, according to Hebrews 13:7, but you will also be able to “consider the outcome of their way of life.”
I cannot think of a time in my being pastor at Oak Crest that I have been more excited about the future of this fellowship. Our families are growing in the Lord, our church is renewing and reenergizing her commitment to evangelism and outreach, we are devoted to the Word like never before. All of these things and many more point to a God glorifying future for Oak Crest. You are a part of that future, so be in prayer. Pray with urgency and deep fervency that God will lead us into the future that most glorifies him in both our discipleship and the evangelization of the lost in our community and around the world. May God bless his church.
In Christ,
Blain Craig