This verse is still a perfect mission strategy today. We are first and foremost to be gospel witnesses right here in Midlothian, but not Midlothian alone. Our giving and going is to reach beyond our own city, even to the whole world. Of course, throughout the year we are reminded of our responsibility through offerings like Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong. These offerings go to fund mission efforts throughout North American and the world, but what about Texas. Isn’t it our responsibility and privilege to reach Texas? Yes it is. That is why each year we gladly participate in the Reach Texas State Mission Offering.
This year the statewide challenge is 1.3 million dollars. I am so thankful that Oak Crest is part of a state convention devoted to the proclamation of the inerrant Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, our convention is growing through new churches, and expanding to new regions of the state. Through the Reach Texas offering, we help plant churches throughout the state. The offering also funds both missions mobilization and disaster relief throughout the state. Additionally, the Reach Texas offering helps fund numerous evangelism training opportunities all year long.
We live in an amazing state. Texas is a big and diverse state. Consider this, “reports indicate that 16 percent of Texans are foreign born, and 35 percent speak a language besides English at home. More Muslims live in Texas than in any other state, worshipping in some 170 mosques—the largest one in the U.S. to be fully constructed by March 2016 near Houston. The 75038 zip code in Irving is the most ethnically diverse neighborhood in the entire country.” The world has truly come to Texas. Since that is the case, it should be clear to all of us that our state is a mission field. That is why 100% of the Reach Texas offering goes to missions and evangelism. Not one bit goes to administration. That is encouraging and God-honoring. Would you prayerfully consider what God would have you give at Oak Crest? Over the next couple of weeks we will emphasize Reach Texas. Would you consider not only giving but praying? Pick up a prayer guide in the foyer. Make next week a week of prayer for Texas missions. Our church goal is $2500.
In Christ,
Blain Craig