I also want to remind you of the ultimate purpose of this challenge. Our being debt free in two years in not an end unto itself. Oak Crest being debt free is only a means to a greater end. It is for the purpose of more God glorifying ministry and mission effort. It is for the purpose of the Great Commission. I met with a gentleman yesterday who presented his plan for he and his wife to minister to Muslims in the Middle East. His plan was solid. I wanted to be able to offer him more than prayer support, but I could not because our budget does not allow for it. Of course, we continue to support efforts to reach the Lasa. Recently, you heard the Traffanstedt’s plan to move to and minister in London. You also probably know of a couple of other noble mission efforts. Certainly we could never provide financial support to all of these, but consider what we could do with $46,000 a year freed up for nothing other than gospel ministry. That is how much of our budget goes to debt retirement.
Our goal is to be debt free with as few fixed expenses as possible to free the most money possible for the most important work of sharing the gospel and discipling our people. Whether it is local ministry here in Midlothian or reaching Muslims around the world, we want to be stewards to God’s resources that he has called us to be.
In Christ,
Blain Craig