Do we ever take things for granted in the church? You could probably think of a dozen blessings from God that you have just assumed have always been there and always will be there. I want to mention one in particular: The Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists. I think we take the Cooperative Program for granted. If you are asking yourself, what is the Cooperative Program, that is clear evidence that we have not given it due attention. The Cooperative Program is the means by which Southern Baptists all over the world are able to do kingdom work on a massive scale. Each month we give 10% of our received money to Southern Baptist causes in Texas and throughout the world through the Cooperative Program. In addition, at various times in the year we supplement this regular giving with special offerings. At Easter, we give generously to North American missions through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. In September, we participate in our Reach Texas campaign. This offering supplements our cooperative program giving right here in Texas, for missions mobilization, disaster relief, and church planting. Finally, at Christmas we give to international missions through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Why do I say we take this for granted? The Cooperative Program is the greatest mechanism in the history of the church for the funding of missions and other kingdom work. I truly believe that with all my heart. That which we take for granted, we are in danger of losing. Let’s recommit anew to embrace this gift of cooperation God has entrusted to us. In the process, we will be taking the gospel to the uttermost ends of the earth, even though most of us will never actually go to those places.
In Christ,
Blain Craig