There once was a king whose daughter was getting married to a prince. The king wanted to throw a huge marriage feast and invite everyone in the kingdom. He certainly wanted the feast to be special to honor his daughter’s marriage to he had an idea. He sent word to everyone in his kingdom that they were to bring their best wine to the feast. But the unique idea was that everyone would combine their best wine into one giant vat for all to drink. The day of the feast arrived, each family made their way to the giant vat and poured their wine in. Finally it was time to pour the first cup. To the shock of everyone present, only water came out. The king thought there must be some mistake to he poured another and another. The result was always the same, only water. The king was shamed and his daughter embarrassed.
Of course, we quickly see what happened. Everyone was supposed to bring their best, but they didn’t. Family after family thought no one would notice if their one measly batch was water instead of wine. After all with so much wine, how could a little water make a difference? The problem with that thinking is everyone else had the same idea. In the end, everyone only brought water. There is an important lesson in this story for the church. Often we are tempted to bring less than our best in service to Christ, but like the feast, the end result can be disastrous. Your service, your prayer matters. What if the pastor just didn’t show up one Sunday? Maybe he thinks well the other elders can handle everything. (You might let it slide one Sunday, but pretty soon you would be seeking another pastor.) The elders decide not to pray, thinking the deacons have it covered. The deacons decide not to pray, thinking the committees have it covered. The committees decide not to pray, thinking the Sunday School teachers have it covered. Do you see how quickly this can become a problem? I do not say all of this to try to make you feel guilty. We all need to be reminded that we are all gifted by the Holy Spirit for the work of ministry. If we all think someone else will do what we are called to do, that ministry won’t happen at all. Let’s recommit to serve the Lord in whatever he has called us to for his glory. In Christ, Blain Craig
1 Comment
Connie Bowers
7/5/2017 04:46:50 pm
I once heard it said that when we don't do what God calls us to do, then two people are misguided... The person not doing the job, and the person doing it for them.
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