What does this model of ministry look like? There are several things we might say about the deacons at Oak Crest, but very simply they are ministry servants. One, in some cases more than one,deacon is assigned to each Sunday School class. The benefit of our model of ministry is that your Sunday School class works hand in hand with your class’s deacon to make sure all the needs of the class are being met. If you know of a sickness or a surgery or any other need in the life of someone in your Sunday School class, please contact your class deacon so that he might contact the person in need. Another goal of the class ministry deacon is to encourage Sunday School attendance and church involvement.
This fall we ordained three new deacons. Some of you may have seen these new deacons in your Sunday School class this past Sunday. I hope you will take time to not only find out who your class’s deacon is, but personally get to know him. Additionally, we are once again in need of more deacons. In the month of October, we are receiving nominations for new deacons. Please fill out the nomination form and drop it in the ballot box in the office. So that you might avoid nominating existing deacons or elders, allow me to list the currently serving deacons and elders. Our elders are myself, Nathan Clardy, Jim Tennery, Rick Johnson, and Ken Crews. Our deacons are: Shannon Whisenhunt, Mike Holt, Robert Stokes, Mike Adams, Danny Hyndman, Ronnie Henson, Sig Brandenburg, Bob Osborne, Justin Shaw, Jonathan Pendrich, and Art Coker. Please submit your nomination forms to the church office on or by Sunday October 26, 2014.
In Christ,
Blain Craig