Oak Crest Family,
I am very excited to announce our next outreach opportunity presented by the Outreach Team. Each year hundreds of people gather at the MISD Multi-Purpose Stadium for the Midlothian Fall Festival. This year Oak Crest will be hosting a booth to provide information about our church but primarily to engage people at the festival with the Gospel. We will have teams of two manning the booth in two hour time slots with the objective of engaging people with the Gospel.
In conjunction with and preparation for the Fall Festival, we will have evangelism training on Sunday, September 28th, from 12-2:30 pm. This training is available to everyone in the church but especially to those who are interested in manning our booth at the festival in October. Lunch and childcare will be provided for those in attendance.
I’m sure many of you are eager to work the booth at the Fall Festival but feel unequipped to share the gospel with people there. Our evangelism training of September 28th will be a condensed version of the "Way of the Master" basic training course. If you are not familiar with "Way of the Master", it is an evangelism method that is non-confrontational and gospel centered. In other words, if you attend the training you will be equipped to share the gospel in any context with any person. If you’d like to know more about Way of the Master check out wayofthemaster.com.
A signup sheet is now available in the foyer to sign up for our evangelism training course. Please make this a priority as we have a great opportunity to be light in the darkness at the Fall Festival. If you have any questions regarding the festival or the training, please contact me or Terry Bristow.
In Christ,
I am very excited to announce our next outreach opportunity presented by the Outreach Team. Each year hundreds of people gather at the MISD Multi-Purpose Stadium for the Midlothian Fall Festival. This year Oak Crest will be hosting a booth to provide information about our church but primarily to engage people at the festival with the Gospel. We will have teams of two manning the booth in two hour time slots with the objective of engaging people with the Gospel.
In conjunction with and preparation for the Fall Festival, we will have evangelism training on Sunday, September 28th, from 12-2:30 pm. This training is available to everyone in the church but especially to those who are interested in manning our booth at the festival in October. Lunch and childcare will be provided for those in attendance.
I’m sure many of you are eager to work the booth at the Fall Festival but feel unequipped to share the gospel with people there. Our evangelism training of September 28th will be a condensed version of the "Way of the Master" basic training course. If you are not familiar with "Way of the Master", it is an evangelism method that is non-confrontational and gospel centered. In other words, if you attend the training you will be equipped to share the gospel in any context with any person. If you’d like to know more about Way of the Master check out wayofthemaster.com.
A signup sheet is now available in the foyer to sign up for our evangelism training course. Please make this a priority as we have a great opportunity to be light in the darkness at the Fall Festival. If you have any questions regarding the festival or the training, please contact me or Terry Bristow.
In Christ,